every human that has attempted to use the internet for an intended purpose has at one point or another experienced the rush that comes from the power of being able to see anything at any time. the internet is a unique virtual space that allows users to throw themselves from one point to a completely different one in the blink of an eye. information is constantly fed into the database, growing in every direction imaginable, an endless torrent of stimulation. if ever a space were to encompass the idea of "allatonceness" discussed by McLuhan, it would be the world wide web. this is the theme he explores on page 63, where he claims, "Information pours upon us, instantaneously and continuously. as soon as information is acquired, it is very rapidly replaced by still newer information". i used my minute of footage to illustrate this idea, and demonstrate how easy it is for attention to wander when multitudes of stimulation lies a keyboard click away. i paired this idea with the common human theme of constantly craving satisfaction, especially visual pleasure.
the music was chosen specifically because of its porny 80's vibe and its possible interpretation as a reference to ORGASM!!!!!
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